Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Political Bubblings

You may have noticed that I'm not really big on writing about political and economic events - that stuff that commonly passes for news. Mostly I am aware of it, but it seems that a lot of it I simply have little or no influence over. So when things happen like Karl Rove announcing his retirement, or the stock market goes haywire, I hear them, note them with a certain dispassionate interest, and move on my way.

But this Karl Rove thing keep popping into my mind. I'm not sure why.

I have never really liked George W Bush. I voted for him once, but with misgivings at the time. I felt then that he was the better option (and he probably was) but I had a vague fear that he simply lacked something the office requires. I am not a Bush basher. I am a registered Independent, but have traditionally voted along Republican lines. For the past several years, I find that both sides of the aisle have their collective heads quite firmly implanted up their collective bungholes. I have been rankled by the so called Religious Right's unswerving, flimsily structured support for Bush -- as if investing him with a prophetic office he cannot wear. Even worse, they are in such danger of expecting the government to usher in God's kingdom -- and then being shocked and disappointed when government can't actually deliver. These are my people! That they can be guilty of such folly blows my mind. at the same time, because they are my people, I know where they are coming from.

I have been even more deeply rankled by what appears to be the Republican's inability to really understand what the Evangelical Block really wants, but is more than willing to use them as a political stepping stone cum cudgel. I'm afraid the Rove really is the "architect" of the Bush presidency, and it's effects upon the Republican Party. If so, I think his retirement may have enormous implications, even at this late date. Of course, there's still Cheney...

So I don't really pay much concious attention to politics, but I find that it does bubble around in the back of my brain quite a lot. The problem is I'm always afraid that, although I have opinions, I really pretty ignorant about the whole things, and would do better to just shut up.

Of course, ignorance has never really stopped me from spouting opinions about other things.


Anonymous said...

I too voted for 'W'- twice. I was planning to vote liberterian in '04, but thought the election would be too close to "throw away" my vote. Bush is a big government Republican, like his father. The evangelicals went for him primarily for Supreme Court justices. The only folks that say evangelicals are gung-ho for GW are the media. Most (not all) evangelical- religious right type folks I know have been highly critical of many things he has done, but have been very pleased with Alito and Roberts, and his stance on the War on Terror, Iraq, etc. I will vote for Ron Paul in the primary to send a message.
Ron Jung

Anonymous said...

Could it be that "I find that it [politics] does bubble around in the back of my brain quite a lot" mean it is really a distraction from your primary mission in life?

Dubbahdee said...

Interesting question Tomb. Actually, I think it's more of a function of the fact that political news composes the majority of the media ocean in which we swim. Although I listen to much less news than I used to, it cannot be avoided if you pay any attention to what's going on around you. Some of my thought time just goes there naturally because a)it's what I feed it, and b)it is important.
I allow that while I have opinions, they are not as clearly or effectively shaped as the opinions of some people I know, because I just don't really put that much effort into it. The data I process is much lower in volume that some others who spend what seems to me to be copious time reading, researching and writing what's going on.

Me? I just bubble once in a while.

Is it a distraction? That's why I don't put much effort into it.